Tuesday, 25 September 2007




Sesame & 波罗蜜车轮卷
看了Auntie Irene做的车轮卷,手痒痒地就做了两盒,是sesame和波罗蜜馅。

小猪仔月饼Hello Kitty冰皮月饼
做了一些小猪仔月饼和Hello Kitty冰皮月饼,这些是给我的nieces & nephew的,希望他们会喜欢。。。

Sunday, 23 September 2007


前阵子吃了Auntie Irene做给我的轻乳酪蛋糕,对它的味道是念念不忘,所以昨天就到Auntie Irene那儿学做了这入口即华,吃了还想再吃的Light Cheesecake。这次我会把这蛋糕都给家人享用,所以想吃的人,不好意思,自己做吧。哦,不会做?那就去学吧。嘻嘻。。。


Monday, 10 September 2007

传统月饼 & 番薯蛋

这是我在星期天做的番薯蛋,是用了厨房笔记的recipe,有些是有花生馅的。 It is crispy on the outside and super soft inside, hehe...

Baked this traditional mooncake on last Sat night, with lotus, red bean and durian lotus again. My family prefer durian AGAIN! Aiyo. looks like I will just stick to durian lotus liao. Actually, I prefer Durian also, haha...

Friday, 7 September 2007

I'm back with bread and 豆沙饼!!

Wow!! Hello!! I'm back.. It's a long wait, har? My laptop was down, so...sorry to disappoint everyone who have visited my blog to see no updates...

Haha, 豆沙饼 again, this time I bake with 3 different fillings, durian, 豆沙and lian rong. My family like durian best, me too..

OK, having tried so many sweet bun, I decided to try to bake a loaf, no bad hor? It's cheese and sugar inside, I find it quite nice leh, hope you like it tooo...